Friday, November 7, 2014

Thankful Day 7

Today I am thankful for my health. 
I woke up today with a sore throat. Like most sore throats I thought I could drink some tea, limit my vocal interactions and I would be ok. 
At the end of my day I can tell you that is not the case. I stood in line at Safeway among your typical Friday night shoppers. Between desserts and flowers I put my throat tea, cough drops and soup. 
This will only last a few days and I will be back to 100%. However I am struck with the humbling reminder that so many are not as fortunate to be able to run to the store for a quick remedy. We are so blessed to have common aid readily accessible to us. 
So as I wait for my tea to cool I will continue to thank God that He is the ultimate healer and pray that when I wake I will be able to swallow again without pain! 

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