Monday, September 29, 2014

Why I Went Into The Water

Sunday September 28th marks a day I will never forget. At 11:30am I took off my flip flops and stepped into a tank a water and professed my faith to Jesus in front of family, friends, and hundreds of strangers. I want to take a few moments and explain how I found myself soaking wet, tears running down my face, with my heart filled with Joy.

I was raised in an Episcopalian church, often known as "Catholic Light." Growing up I was drawn into the youth ministry of the local Presbyterian church. Here I experience a lot of firsts. My first small group, my first winter retreat, my first summer camp. When I was 12 years old I accepted Jesus into my heart and confessed Him as my Savior. I am so grateful for my parents and my youth leaders for always guiding me towards Jesus.

Fast forward ten years and my 22 year old self walked into an apartment in Walnut Creek that I later would realize changed everything. I was invited to join a bible study of women ranging from college students, recent grads, and young professionals. We had three things in common. 1. We were all in transition. 2. We all knew the leader Becki Parr. 3. We all longed to know more of who Jesus is. It was on those three commonalities that we began to build one of the most sacred small groups I have been privilege to be a part of. It was there in that living room that I would learn about New Life Church and attend for my first time.

Over the next three years I would learn about water baptisms. To be honest the first time I heard about them I remember being very confused since I was baptized as an infant. God would change my heart from confusion to elation over the next three years. As I learned more about the character of God and who He created me to be, I knew I wanted to be baptized.

There were two main reasons I desired to be baptized. The first was to fulfill the scriptures. Jesus was baptized and commands us to be baptized, Matthew 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." As a symbolic representation of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Romans 6:4 "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.  The second was a recommitment to God's call on my life. Through my baptism I was able to physically bury the old and be reborn with New Life in Christ.

My baptism represented my decision to center my life around Jesus and spreading His light to the world. So at 25 years old standing in a tank of water with my pastors arms around me and my family and friends arms stretched out I answered one of the most profound questions "Is this decision to be baptized my profession of faith in Jesus Christ?" My answer "Yes!" And so I am baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.